Monday, May 26, 2008

The Ceremony

Ceremonies can have a new look by having the officiant with their back to the audience and the couple facing forward. How refreshing. That means everyone gets to see the faces of the bride and groom, who they want to see. Also your photographer will be less visible and get better picture of the ceremony. Ask the person doing your ceremony if they would change positions. Some will not but many are flexible.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Rings

You will want photographs of all the beautiful things you have planned. A good time to take photos of the rings is before the ceremony when the bride is getting ready. Have the rings in the brides room with the flowers and your photographer can get some lovely shots of them together.
visit for sample photos

Monday, May 5, 2008

Video and other photographers

If you have a friends who are taking videos and photographs tell them to stay out of the view of your professional especially during the ceremony and portraits. Otherwise you will have beautiful professional photographs with your friends in the background spoiling the shot. Remember you are paying the pro.
Visit charlotte's website: