Monday, April 14, 2014

Perspective and the rule of thirds

Do your photographs seem predictable? Do you always shoot from your own personal height? Well, this is an easy remedy, change perspective. Try squatting down or even lying on the ground. Try holding a camera at an angle. These can all give dramatic effects and certainly will make your photography more interesting. Rule of THIRDS This is actually a concept from painters and great artists. This means dividing you photograph into 9 equal boxes, 3 across and 3 down. You can actually do this on your editing program with a photo you have already taken. The basic idea is your subject is more interesting if it sits on one of these lines. That means asymmetry. Look at the painting of the masters you will see time and time again that the subject is off center. Also the horizon line needs to follow one of these lines. Try it. You will be amazed at how much more interesting and professional you photos look. Of course there are times when you want to have your subject front and center but start to think this way when you look through your viewfinder. It will take practice but you will like the results.

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